Three main causes of Tyre Problems

Car owners and drivers experience plethora of issues and troubles while driving.  The issues can be anything from tyres over inflation to overloading, Engine failure to bad steering response, or emergency brake failures. It can be because of your negligence or vehicle’s dysfunction. But most of the fatal accidents occur because of tyre failures, yet we tend to ignore the condition of our tyres and procrastinate the dates on which they are supposed to be replaced. 

Road hazards like rocks, glass and potholes are usually unavoidable, especially when you are driving on Indian roads. Yet there are few things that can be controlled and can be avoided with just a little extra care. The three main causes of tyre problems that you can ignore are overloading, driving at high speeds and incorrect tyre inflation pressure. 

Over or Under Inflation 

Tyres that are under or over inflated are very likely to land you in risky situations and affect your driving comfort, tracking, braking and cause tyre damage. Tyre that have low pressure usually result in unnecessary flexing of the tyre tread, which eventually results in the increased rolling resistance, over-heating and then pre mature tear and wear. In other cases, the under inflated tyres can also result in the tyre damage. Similarly, the over-inflated tyres can reduce the grip, tyre life and then create irregular tyre wear. This is the reason why most of the vehicle manufacturer’s recommend keep tyres under proper pressure, and using high quality tyres like CEAT tyres.

High Speed Driving 

Another common cause that results in tyre problems is driving at high speeds. Speedy vehicles have a great risk of causing damages in tyre tread. When the contact is made with road hazards at high speed, it results in the greater chance of tyre tread damage, and punctures. High speeds also cause excessive build-up of heat inside the tyre, and later result in the sudden tyre destruction if they are not properly maintained. 


Always keep an eye on the load index of your tyres and ensure to not exceed the load capacity. Tyres that load beyond the loading limit can build excessive heat to result in punctures. We recommend you to buy CEAT tyres that have good weight loading capacity.


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